PHOENIX — As a way to protect their very vital skills in a time of crisis, U.S. airline pilots announced today they will begin working from home because of the coronavirus.

Jerry Wallace, head of the Airline Pilots Association, said virtually all members agreed with the decision.

“The vote wasn’t even close,” Wallace said. “These guys and gals don’t want to get the virus anymore than people who don’t know how to fly planes. So yeah, they were all-in to stay in and just work from home.

“The problem is, we don’t really want this to get out into the public,” Wallace continued. “I mean, if passengers know that there are no pilots actually on the plane, well, you know, that might be a tad bit unsettling.”

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The good news, he said, is that fewer Americans were flying now because of COVID-19, “so we’re liable to keep this our little secret for a lot longer.”

Asked how long the work-from-home policy will last, Wallace said it might actually expand into something more permanent.

“I get the impression from a lot of members that if they had their druthers, heck, they’d fly in the pajamas all the time if they could!”

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